genre: synthpop
format: 3xdvd9
video: mpeg2, pal 4:3 (720×576) vbr, 25,000 fps, 7392 kbps
audio: dolby ac3, 2 channels, 48.0 khz, 448 kbps
audio: dolby ac3, 6 channels, 48.0 khz, 448 kbps
time: 01:37:53 01:28:50 01:32:18
size: 17.21 gb



1 just can’t get enough
2 see you
3 the meaning of love
4 leave in silence
5 get the balance right!
6 everything counts
7 love, in itself
8 people are people
9 master and servant
10 blasphemous rumours
11 somebody
12 shake the disease
13 it’s called a heart
14 stripped
15 but not tonight
16 a question of lust
17 a question of time
18 strangelove
19 never let me down again
20 behind the wheel


1 little 15
2 strangelove ’88
3 everything counts (live)
4 personal jesus
5 enjoy the silence
6 policy of truth
7 world in my eyes
8 i feel you
9 walking in my shoes
10 condemnation
11 one caress
12 in your room
13 barrel of a gun
14 it’s no good
15 home
16 useless
17 only when i lose myself
18 dream on
19 i feel loved


1 freelove
2 goodnight lovers
3 enjoy the silence ’04
4 precious
5 a pain that i’m used to
6 suffer well
7 john the revelator
8 martyr
9 wrong
10 peace
11 hole to feed
12 fragile tension
13 personal jesus 2011
14 heaven
15 soothe my soul
16 should be higher

bonus videos
17 people are people (12″ version)
18 stripped (unreleased alternate cut)
19 but not tonight (pool version)
20 soothe my soul (extended)

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